Services and Rates

Cheri has extensive experience and skill set in the following discplines:

Enpowering you to clarity and peace to solve your challenages or concerns in any aspect of your life, being relationships, life purpose, health, career and more.
$155 - 1 Hour Session
A unique and divine communication harmony for your loved ones who have passed over. To reconnect and receive messages from your loved one is the essence of healing.
$175 - 1 Hour Session
Encouraging you to examine your deepest pain, feel it and release it with ease and grace. Allowing your spirit to shine it's brightest light.
$85 - 1 Hour Session

Helping to entertain your party! Psychic Intuitive Mediumship Reading Party. Gathering of people who want to connect with loved ones who have passed over. Minimum 4 people for this rate.
$65 - per person - 1 Hour Session