Special Packages - Mix and Match Services
Three Intuitive Counselling Sessions - 1 hour each
Total 3 Sessions - $245 ( Save $10! )
Mediumship Reading - 1 hour
Two Counselling Sessions - 1 hour each
Total 3 Sessions - $335 ( Save $10! )
Intuitive Psychic Reading - 1 hour
Two Counselling Sessions - 1 hour each
Total 3 Sessions - $310 ( Save $15! )
Three Intuitive Psychic Training Classes - 1 hour each
Two Counselling Sessions - 1 hour each
Total 5 Sessions - $460 ( Save $10! )
This workshop will change your life!
An in depth understanding on how to feel at peace with yourself and others. Please fill out the contact form for the class outline and schedules.
Four Training Classes - 1 hour each
Total - $350
This workshop teaches you how to "tap into" your own psychic intuitive ability. Guidlines to follow when learning how to cope with your new knowing. Please fill out the contact form for the class outline and schedules.
Four Training Classes - 1 hour each
Total - $400